Harbottle C of E (Aided) First School

School Attendance

Attendance and punctuality is extremely important here at our school.

  • Excellent attendance and punctuality is directly linked to academic and personal success.  
  • Regular attendance promotes the effective learning of all.  
  • Regular attendance promotes wellbeing and the ability to maintain positive friendships.  
  • Regular attendance and high levels of punctuality will assist in developing self-discipline and will help to prepare students for their future. 

At Harbottle C of E (Aided) First School we expect 96% attendance and above from all pupils. It is parents’ responsibility to ensure their child has regular school attendance. 

If your child is absent, you are required to contact the school each day of your child’s absence by 9.00am giving an explanation for their absence. Telephone: 01669 650271 

Where no information is shared relating to a child’s absence, the school office will investigate the absence. 

We have in place and adhere to our good attendance action ladder.   If your son/daughter’s attendance falls below 84% it is of great concern to us and we have to discuss the issue with our Educational Welfare Officer. 

Research suggests that children who are absent from school may never catch up on the learning they have missed. When children are absent from school, they miss not only the teaching provided on the days when they are away, but are also less prepared for the lessons that follow which build on prior knowledge and teaching. 

As a parent you can demonstrate your commitment to your child’s education by not allowing your child to miss school for anything other than an exceptional and unavoidable reason.