Harbottle School Vision:

Our vision is to shepherd all those who come into contact with our school so that they know the God who lives, loves and cares for them and offers life in all its fullness.Β  We hope that everyone will learn and develop and realise their full potential in every aspect of life, intellectual, physical, spiritual and moral so that they can become whole people able to play a significant part in the wider world.

John Ch.10, v10-11.

Jesus said, β€œI have come that all may have life and have it in all its fullness.Β  I am the good shepherd”.

Our current vision has been shaping our work so far and this is just redefining it in light of the new schedule from SIAMs.Β  This still links into our belief that β€œit takes a whole community to educate a child”.

A questionnaire went out to parents, staff, volunteers and the community to decide from 10 Christian values which 5 best describe our school and our vision for our future.Β  This follows work by our School Governing Body.

The five values which our stakeholders have chosen are:






Harbottle’s Mission Statement: